a peek into CK's world; insight to my twisted, unstabled, irrational mind... ya... just kidding

Monday, June 30, 2003
SAR-Vivor Rap

Wah steady ah .. heahea
Phua Chu Kang is here to rap ah..
Listen ah ..

Some say leh, some say lah
Uncle Phua says time to fight SARS
Singaporeans, we have a part to play
to be sars free at the end of the day

Wash your hands whenever you can
Wash with soap then at least got hope
When you get home, get a bath quickly!
Kiasu abit, be safe not SAR-ry!

Try not to travel to Sared countries
Wait a few months lah wait and see
So why you rush to catch that plane?
Use internet lah! Use you brain

Getting protection from this virus
Means getting healthy inside us
Don't work too much until you're sick
Get exercise and get yourself fit

Food nutritions and vitamins
Help you to pass the immunity challenge
Eat your proteins, carbo and fibre
Then you can be a ... SAR-vivor !!!

PCK says,
Dun pray pray! Or this stupid Sars is here to stay.
For we can fight this, you and me.
Help Singapore to be Sars FREE !!!

I'm a SAR-vivor
not gonna give up
I'm a SAR-vivor
I'm gonna make it (4x)

Some say leh, some say lah
Spread kaya, but don't spread SARS !
Singaporeans, we have a part to play
to be sars free at the end of the day

If you're sick don't go to work
Even if your boss.. ahem... is a jerk
Don't be a hero and continue working
Wait the whole company kana quarantine ah!!!

If you're sick see a doctor
See the same one don't be a doc-hopper
Wait at the clinic, stay in one spot
Don't spread your germs in the coffee shop

If you have SARs call 993
Ambulance will come for FREE
To check you up at Tan Tock Seng
Where they know about Sars
Like I know Ah Beng ah

Hey you kana home quarantine
Don't go out except in your dreams
Tahan awhile and cooperate
Don't give everybody a big headache ah!!

PCK says,
Dun pray pray! Or this stupid Sars is here to stay.
For we can fight this, you and me.
Help Singapore to be Sars FREE !!!

Don't kana
Use your brain, Use Your Brain, USE YOUR BRAIN !!! (2X)

Some say leh, some say lah
Keep the place clean and keep out SARS
Singaporeans, we have a part to play
to be sars free at the end of the day

Keep our country clean and green
Because now adays the germs are mean
Don't leave food for stray dogs or cats
Unless you want to keep their germs as pets

Cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze
You think everyone wants to spread your disease ah?
Don't Ka-PUI all over the place
You might as well KAAA-PUI on my face ah !!!

Don't put your tissue all over the shop
Thing almost you use liao, Don't use so much lah
Oei make me sick when people don't care
Oei make you sick when you breathe the air ah...

Even when things are getting better
Don't do things and become a regretter
Think SARS is gone ? YOUR HEAD LAH !!!
But listen to me ah, it'll be okay loh...

PCK says,
Dun pray pray! Or this stupid Sars is here to stay.
For we can fight this, you and me.
Help Singapore to be Sars FREE !!!

Can't SARS me!
A-bah! Hea... One more time ah.. Ahem.. karaoke
Can't SARS me!
Not bad ah.. Heaheahea.. Lai ah.. Let's sing together..
Can't SARS me!
Don't be shy ah! Don't be shy..Lai.. Ready...GO
Can't SARS me!

SARS SARS baby (heahea...Not bad ah.. I can nicer lah)
Don't kana
Use your brain, Use Your Brain, USE YOUR BRAIN !!! (2X)

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 11:04 pm


FINALLY!!! Done with the assignment!!! phew! Dead tired. Didn't got much rest over the weekend. First, Thinkpad X20 which been using refused to boot up in saturday early morning...4am+ before i got any sleep. So trying fanatically trying to relive it... hrs but to no avail. Assignment deadline (30/06/2003) is looming closer too. So after hrs meddling with the "dead" pc, gave up. Managed to retrieve and transfer most of the data over to Thinkpad I 1200. Lost quite amt of MP3, digital pics. Sian.

So doubled up to finish my assignment b4 deadline. Thanks to Matthew for the help offered during this extreme period. Thanks pal!

Now the assignment is done, can relax abit abit already.

Miss seeing TWINS at Junction8 on Saturday. Reason??? See Above in Para 1.

Going to "test-drive" the NX80 tomorrow since no more assignment blue.

Wonder who will Fujifilm chose to be in the photo shoot. Mmmmm

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 10:14 pm


Friday, June 27, 2003
Sony Clie NX80V is finally launched in singapore. $999 SGD (include GST). Gonna purchase it after assignment deadline and collect this mth salary.

Can get it for $918 SGD here though: http://www.ilovebestbuy.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=PostKart&file=index&req=itemview&IID=16&KID=

Still got some way to go till completion of assignment. argh!

Cameroon football player Foe, died while playing in the Confederations Cup semi-final game against Colombia. Sad. On tv it wasn't a nice sight... eyes wide-open...
  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 10:32 pm


Thursday, June 26, 2003
SIAN!!! Assignment blue...

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 10:24 pm


Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Argh... Not allocated any NDP 2003 tickets. Those I knew whom applied also don't get any.
Hope I can get it from someone else... *fingers crossed*.

Working on assignment. Deadline on the 30th. Tough time drawing the EERD diagram.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 10:17 pm


Monday, June 23, 2003
Went to office to submit pretty cash claim form. A whopping $351. Cool... can be use to finance my mobile phone-cum-pda purchases.

Finally found the Sony Gallery over at Isatan Orchard. Asked about the launch date for Clie NX80. Again the sales assistants are clueless.
Then met friend to shop around Kinokumiya and TSC.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 9:56 pm


Sunday, June 22, 2003
Oh no. Bill for mobile phone exceed $100 again... then got bill for internet...

Seen the NDP 2003 Theme Song "One United People" (performed by Stephanie Sun) MTV on TV. First impression: wasn't as good compare to last year theme song.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 8:54 pm


Saturday, June 21, 2003
Got memory card back from ben. Swaped mine with his. Finally got MGS2 from him.
Took some pic of the awesome "Dragon Fish" (arrowanas) on display at bugis. A competition or sort is on. Some mutated arrowanas are shown too. Two-headed, bodyless, angel winged. Upload later.

To simei to printed some nice photos. Played with the variety prints.

OMG. Buying Clie NX70V come with a free BT module. http://vaio-online.sony.com/sg/clie/app/nx70v/index.jsp Really tempted.

NEL (Northeast Line MRT) is buggy.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 9:52 pm


Friday, June 20, 2003
Went jalan jalan in Orchard after work. Got some time on hand before some appoinments there. So off to Ngee Ann City, Wisma Atrium, Hereen etc.

Samsung S200 is finally launched. Saw it on display. I can go buy one already.

Met ben @ Cineleisure for dinner. Main objective is to pass him my PS2 memory card so he can do his experiment on his XPort. Quite a crowd over at Cineleisure. "Shin" band (a popular taiwanese band) is holding a mini-concert cum autographing session outside cineleisure. Did manage to see the band in action.

Then off for the "PC Show" debrief. Do you knew that lvl 8 of cineleisure is NUSS Orchard Guild house??? I don't. That's until today. Yes, we held the debrief of the PCShow cum drinking-session over there. Great place for F&B. The atmosphere is pretty good too. Got Restuarant, bar, Karaoke, Gym, jacuzzi, jackpot room... etc.
Membership of NUSS : $5000 (one time payment, membership non-transferable), plus mthly subscription fee.
Nah... I'm not a member. Boss is.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 11:39 pm


Thursday, June 19, 2003
Final day at the workshop. Speakers from Micro$oft and Intel. Updating us to some of their latest development. Microsoft .NET logo programs, Intel Xeon, Xeom MP and Itanium 2 processors.
Got a nice gift from Microsoft - Microsoft Office System Beta 2 Kit 2003. Which contains 15 cds worth of MS beta programs (Office 2003, Win 2003 Server etc.)

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 10:31 pm



Photo taken with Waimun(right) @ the PC Show
Any ladies interested???

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 3:11 am


"SAR is a virus, that we want to minus....... Use your brain, use your brain, use your brain!!!"
SAR-Vivor Rap by PCK Pte Ltd

Like it or hate it. I find it quite catchy.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 1:25 am


Wednesday, June 18, 2003
2nd day at the workshop was much better. Interesting topic on building secure web/application for windows 2003. Some hacking technique was taught/discussed/tried out.

Pretty nice view from the 18th floor of Central Plaza. Can see the entire CBD, the Port, the Sea.

Arrowed to organise a debriefing-cum-drinking session for the PCShow this friday. Hahahaha... The promoters must be feeling weird. Actually already got some feedback liao. How come got debrief one??? and what got they/CK up their sleeves??? Sinister??? Hahahaha... not my idea one lah. I just followed instructions from boss lah.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 10:26 pm


Tuesday, June 17, 2003
1st day at the Windows 2003 Server cum .NET Training Workshop. Learn alot of new stuffs... but some of the stuffs just totally confused me. Tough! As I got not much prior experiences. And the fact that I'm felt sleepy (esp. after lunch and refreshments) throughout the whole training, doesn't helps. 9am to 6pm @ Central Plaza (Tiong Bahru). Intense.

Think getting the NX70V rather than the upcoming NX73 or NX80. Because the differences aren't that great. Plus NX70V cheaper and got DocumentToGo installed.

NEL(North-East Line) MRT will be opening this week, 20th June 2003. Aldran, When u come back from aust, There's train to ur Potong Pasir liao.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 8:13 pm


Monday, June 16, 2003
Touchdown Training (Windows 2003 Server Training Wkshop) and .NET Connected Logo Program for 3 full days starting tomorrow for me. Hope everything turn out okay. I'm not so familiar with the above. Hahaha, that's why I need to go for the training.

Sort of quiet with Waimun in ICT. Hahaha...

SA Spurs won the NBA Championship. Can still remember the last time they won, I was at BMT School at P.Tekong.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 10:51 pm


Sunday, June 15, 2003
Didn't really step out of home this weekend except to buy makan. Maybe because I'm conscious of the deep cut on my face (above the lip). Shaving Accident. Ouch!

Finally got started on my assignment. Need to draw the EER.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 11:52 pm


Finished "My Sassy Girl" on tv.... pity they cut off some portions of the movie.... scences are missing... watched it in Korean (thanks to the dual sound). As good as I first watched it.

Music of the day: Pachelbel Canon

Oh MY!!! Siva actually been to ANFIELD (Liverpool Football Club's home lah... Liverpool, UK). COOL!!! Check out the photos here. http://haven.qsurf.org
Wah.. I must go someday too. I think I'll already been there if i took up the degree program from Uni of Wales instead. Hahaha... Regrets...
I'm actually mad enough to queues 3 ~ 4 hours alone, in rain to catch a sight of the 3 trophies (UEFA Cup, FA Cup, League Cup) when Liverpool bought them here a couple (3???) of years back. (Now... where's the photo I took with the trophies???) Also queuing to enter the stadium for their match 4 hrs earlier. Hahaha... Thoses where the days. I think I don't have the energy to do all those anymore.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 1:56 am


Saturday, June 14, 2003
My Sassy Girl on TV later.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 9:25 pm


Web streaming of the latest episode of our favourite taiwanese variety shows can be found on yahoo! taiwan. http://tw.broadcast.yahoo.com/tv/varietyshow/ Wow... why didn't I discover it eariler??? Too bad, only a short portion the show is shown FREE! Video-on-demand. Have to pay to stream the whole show to ur pc. Nevertheless still cool and fun to be able to watch a snippet of it.

Today is today AND Tomorrow will be tomorrow AND Yesterday was yesterday.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 7:03 pm


Wasn't able to update "yesterday" because only back home "today".
Met up with the guys after work... treated by waimun to watch "Finding Nemo" at 11:30pm... Unleast the movie wasn't bad... else will really be crossed...
Funny show, dude! The cg/animation are all very well done, Rocks!
Thanks waimun for the movie. Have fun during your ICT. I'll take care "you know who/what" for you. Hahahaha J/K

Somebody tell me.
Why it feels more real when I dream than when I am awake?
How can I know if my senses are lying?

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 4:11 am


Thursday, June 12, 2003
The Animatrix is out on sale in all good video/vcd/dvd store already. Go get it.

Luckily didn't meet waimun and yuki for lunch as planned today. Else I'll have been made to settle the bill for lunch @ Sakae Shushi!!!. Really out to "hammer" me. hahahaha... Tomorrow might stupidly try to go meet them for lunch. Ha

Didn't got the chance to preview ken's tv advert starring waimun today.

A rep from singnet visited. Surveying. Of course I said the pricing for Singnet Boardband could (should) be lowered. PacNet and Starhub still offering cheaper rate mah.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 9:56 pm


Wednesday, June 11, 2003
WOW!!! Animatrix is super good! Worth the time/energy to d/l it. Finished half of it. Returning to it later. The different anime styles used in each side story are all so gorgeous. TOP class drawing/3d animation. Highly recommended. P.S: I have yet watch Matrix and Matrix: Reloaded.

TV Advert preview cancelled. (My fault???) Dying see how waimun turn out like in the advert. hahahaha

Bugis after work again. Got some jap goodies from friend. Jas, Thank again!
2 pieces of cosmetic can cost > S$100... wah... phew... heng I'm a guy and no need of those.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 9:13 pm


Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Nothing really interesting happen today...... one of those dull day. Zzzzzzz.... Missed yesterday... hahaha

Ken already finished his tv commercial (project for his study) starring our very own waimun. Coca Cola tv advert. Suppose to held a private preview among us tomorrow. Wanted to use my laptop but one problem. My laptop got no cd-rom drive. opps.... and i'm not prepare to lug along my other huge heavy laptop (which do have a drive) along. Have to see what contingency plans are up ken's sleeves liao.

27,000 - Total of university and polytechnic graduates that have just entered the job market.
387,000 - Total visit to the PC Show 2003.
733,968,384 - Total numbers of bytes of the Animatrix video file I just downloaded.
1 hr 41 min 6 sec - Length of the entire Animatrix

Back to playing Lu Bu on Shin Sango Musou 3 for me then...

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 11:18 pm


Monday, June 09, 2003
Couldn't update yesterday as Blogger is down.

Phew! The PC Show ended finally yesterday. Have to stay behind to dismantle and pack up our items. Dead Tired. The organiser announced that there 300000+ (forgot the actual figure) visits, doubled last year record. I'm a little skeptical. Didn't bought anything from the show. Well, should have bought the dirt cheap $8 USB hub and the Creative $99 digital music external usb sound. nvm. next time then.

Trapped in a jam again. A Super Bus broke down in the middle of the road. Friend commented than it seem I always kanna these type of mishape one...hahaha

Date at Bugis (again). Relax and have fun. Some shopping around. Clothes/cosmetics (not me lah). The Bossini kids' "Finding Nemo" tee is cute. Friend bought it as a bday present for her jap friend's kawaii daughter. Sales all around. GSS mah.

Still trying to find the japanese song waimun wanted... sigh... translated title: "Tsukimi Sou no Hana"

My beloved LFC bought Fulham Irish International full back Finnan for 3.5million pounds. wah liew

Ben, Bert and me are pondering whether to go ahead and "throw" our $$$ on the Sony Cile NX70. It's $799 (including GST) btw. Did not include the cost of MemoryStick, Casing and Screen Protector. Sony's stuff are always so expensive. Palm Zire 71 only cost $528 leh.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 9:43 pm


Saturday, June 07, 2003
Been down to Expo to meet up with Bertram at the PC Show (i'm off today actually) ... There's actually a huge crowd today.
while waiting... was interviewed by PC world mag's editor about the Fujifilm Digital Print Centre.... hahahaha.... hope I didn't screwed up......
look out for July issue of PC World Singapore Magazine.... (heng never took my photo... she didn't have a camera and i was in jean and tee...)

Forgot to mention... saw "bazhang" former bf at the PC show yesterday. Ha!

Then off to Bugis with bertram to check out sony clie and some arcade action. Promoted!
Rush home trying to catch one of my favourite movie on tv... guess what??? it's actually showing next saturday instead... If you are wondering... the movie is "My Sassy Girl".

Me @ the PC Show(taken on friday)

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 11:23 pm


Friday, June 06, 2003
Back from the PC Show at Expo. Crowd not as many as expected. The IT Show we had over in March (before War and SARS) had better attendant.
Saw a couple of celebrities around: The Flying Dutchmen and Rod was deejay-ing over at the HP booth next door, FUNNY;Ix Shen with Ericia Lee browsing around; Joanne Peh.
Okay... people still don't think I'm 24. Thought I'm much much older...

Blisters under my foot... Ouch!

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 10:43 pm


"Live" from the PC Show. Crowd still manageable. Expecting more later in the evening.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 1:01 pm


Thursday, June 05, 2003
1st day of PC Show. Was late... woke up late.. luckily my colleagues around to help out. Eye candies all around... maybe take some photos tomorrow. Ivan and Tenglee were there during noon to do some recce. Left after lunch @ 1pm.
The Singtel's Dial-a-coke scheme really is useful. Used it once again to purchase drink from vending machine when i don't have enough spare changes.

Didn't knew until now that in brazilian football got such interesting practice.
"In Brazil. The ref carries a little white-paint spray can and marks the spot where the kick is to be taken from. He then marches off the ten yards and sprays a line where the wall must be. Anyone who doesn't move to behind that line gets carded. Simple."

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 10:39 pm


Just came back from Singapore Expo. Still yet to complete all the setup yet but our fujifilm booth look impressive once again. The exhibition hall seem small??? Part of the hall partition off... seem like not too many exhibitors. I don't see Sony, Pacnet, Starhub, Nikon etc around...

NEWSFLASH: New race queens at Fujifilm booth... hahahaha... come see leh Can take picture with them and the Audi TT. Free prints too.

See you people there!!! Starting tomorrow!

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 1:11 am


Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Just applied for 4 tickets to NDP 2003 online. Hope i can get it. Else need to get from someone whom got it. Been lucky having tickets for the past 3 years... the 1st 2 year got them in my unit during NS, last year got it last minute from a friend. Hope this year the streak won't end.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 2:21 am


Tuesday, June 03, 2003
Setting up the barung barung for the PC show tomorrow afternoon. Hope it won't take me more hours than last time, and everything go smoothly.

Waimun's idol in trouble...

Winning Eleven 7 gameplay movies:
Showing a match between Japan and Korea.

M'sia: Don't buy original CDs and DVDs. I'm not suprised. Once again show that politician in M'sia never use their brain before they speak. Read about it here.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 9:54 pm


Monday, June 02, 2003
NDP2003 tickets will be distributed using a electronic balloting system. Yeah! I'm going to try my luck.
Those interested have 16 days from June 4 to 19.
For two tickets, a caller can call 1900-112 1382 or SMS 38382 at 20 cents per call.
For four tickets, they can call 1900-112 1384 or SMS 38384.
They can also log on to the NDP website or use any AXS station.

Will be at the PC Show on the 6th and 8th the full day (might make appearance for 5th and 7th). Seeya people there.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 9:21 pm


Sunday, June 01, 2003
Dragonboat Festival around the corner. Just had a Nyonya dumpling. Yum! What's your favourite???

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 11:26 pm


WAH LIEW!!! Hollywood gonna make a Dragonball movie. No... not anime... but using real actors!??!?!?!?! Hope the movie doesn't suck like Street Fighter the Movie. Dragonball is probably the 1st manga that I read, and from there where i developed the hobbies of reading manga and drawing.

Quote: FOX is shooting for a PG-13 rating and a running time of somewhere between 3 to 4 hours. They are hoping for the DBZ movie saga to be 4 episodes long (4 movies). Starting in The Saiyan Saga, The Frieza Saga, The Android/Cell Saga, and the Majin Buu Saga.
George Lucas' CGI company ILM has signed a contract to do the special effects. Some sad news, due to casting and scheduling difficulties, filming that was set to begin real soon has been put off until Summer 2004. The original Release Date. Once the movie is finished filming and all post-production effects are added in, this movie may not be out until well into 2005.

As of right now there is no definite title. The most obvious choice would be plain "DragonBall Z", but FOX is also leaning toward "DragonBall Z: Unlimited" or "DragonBall Z: Fight For Man Kind."

Rumoured that Cameron Diaz will be cast as Android #18, Wesley Snipes as Piccolo and Leonardo DiCaprio as Trunks. Hahahaha....

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 6:07 pm


Rejuvenating at home... so tired... hectic week coming ahead.

Updated the blog template. Look better now??? More customisation coming right up.

  <-- Any Comments??? ¶ 4:58 pm



May 2003
June 2003
July 2003


Name: Leow Chew Keong (QiuQiang)
Nick: CK
Location: Singapore
Current Status: Working as a System Engineer at Systems@work, Studying for BSc in Computing from Uni of Portsmouth (UK)

CK is currently The current mood of sakuraki@singnet.com.sg at www.imood.com

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